A calendar where you could find the most important dates.
For the next course (2017-2018) we are told the dates at the end of this course by the government. So, dates of beginning and ending of the semesters are approximate; we only know the exact date a month before the start.
Winter Semester
Application Deadline: 15th April
Semester begins: 18th September
Erasmus Welcome Day: 15th September
Semester ends: 26th January
Spring Semester
Application Deadline: 15th November
Semester begins: 30th January
Erasmus Welcome Day: 25th January (12:00h at the Library)
Semester ends: 22th June
School Holidays 2017-2018
October 9th > Regional Holiday
October 12th > National Holiday
November 1st > All Saints
December 6th > Constitution Day
December 8th > National Holiday
December 23rd to January 7th > Christmas
January 22nd > Local Holiday
March 15th to 19th > Fallas Local Festival
March 29th to April 9th > Easter
May 1st > Worker’s Day