Academic Calendar

For the 2024-25 course these are the main dates

Start: 18.09.2023
End: 30.05.2024


Intensive Spanish Course: 02.09 to 13.09.2023
Welcome Meeting: 16.09.2023
Classes: 18.09.2023 to 17.01.2024
Exams week: 20.01.2024 to 24.01.2024
Exams 2nd Call: 03.02.2024 al 07.02.2024


Welcome Meeting: 31.01.2024
Classes: 10.02.2024 to 30.05.2024
Exams: 02.06.2024 to 06.06.2024
Exams 2nd Call: 16.06.2023 al 20.06.2024



Oct. 9th Valencia’s day, local festivity
Oct. 12th – 13th National festivity
Nov. 1st All the Saints
Dec. 6th – 7th  Constitution day
Dec. 8th Inmaculate Conception’s Day
Dec. 23rd – Jan. 7th Christmas
Mar. 15th – 19th Fallas, local festivity
Mar. 28th – 8th April Eastern
May 1st Worker’s Day
Jun. 24th Saint John’s local festivity


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